Iso shipping container construction
Iso shipping container construction

That’s because it’s not economical to send (re-position) them to other places for loading cargo. Thirdly, importing countries like USA, which import more than export, are now having some hundreds of thousands of freight containers abandoned in ports and container yards. Building a “green” home also saves considerable energy which is otherwise needed to meld down metal containers when scrapping. Reusing transport receptacles actually lessens the impact of the use of conventional construction materials like brick, cement, and wood. Secondly, shipping container construction is eco-friendly.

iso shipping container construction

A house built from used shipping containers cost significantly less than a conventional house with the same usage area and space. First of all, building with shipping containers save costs. There’re many advantages in the bold and innovative thought of container housing. In this article I’ll tell you advantages as well as disadvantages of living in a shipping container. You’re interested in the idea of shipping container housing? If that’s the case, you’re likely to consider pros and cons of the project. Shipping container housing – pros and cons

Iso shipping container construction