“Please Please Please,” though it eventually sold a million copies, was actually out of step with the times. He liked music: gospel when he attended church big-band swing and early rhythm & blues that he heard that he heard on the radio and on jukeboxes, particularly Louis Jordan with his Tympany Five was a special inspiration. His main concern was hustling his main outlet was sports. Brown never knew his parents’ love or guidance. Raised in a whorehouse in Augusta, Georgia. Music was an emotional charge for the young James Brown. I’ll loan you some! Huh! I got enough soul to burn.” But talking to a crowd stretched at his feet in the late 1960s, James Brown reassured them: “If you ain’t got enough soul, let me know. Night after night, on stage and in the studio, his blood swirled, his legs split and his body shook. JAMES BROWN is a freedom I created for humanity.” “JAMES BROWN is a concept, a vibration, a dance,” he told us recently. In his own time, he became “Soul Brother Number ONE,” a larger-than-life Godfather of Soul. But James Brown had singular talent, and the vision to hire the baddest.

Dynamite” before his first Pop hit and proclaimed himself “The Hardest Working Man in Show Business” before the music business knew his name.

He called his group “Famous” before they had a right to called himself “Mr. Nearly stillborn, then revived by an aunt in a country shack in the piney woods outside Barnwell, South Carolina, on May 3, 1933, Brown was determined to be Somebody. Important enough to be drawn into the murky waters of national politics as an inspiration and role model, he was also feared and sometimes ridiculed. He refused to accept that fate.īy the time he was in his 30s, James Brown was more than a dominant musical voice: he was an outstanding African-American personality, period.