SP M23 = Side Mission “Loose Ends III” (Dam). M1984 Pistol Rail = Side Mission “Rotki Lions II” (Mining Town). 45 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions Wagram 21 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Herrvalt 99 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Garett M9 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.
Sidearms (Pistols, Revolvers, Sawn-off Shotgun Locations): Takedown Recurve Bow = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Mining Town map at coordinates 24.04 21.77.OFM 500 = Enemy Drop – the armored shotgun enemies carry the OFM 500 shotgun.FM-3000 UM = Enemy Drop – the biggest enemies with full body armor carry the FM-3000 UM heavy machine gun.Galeforce Long = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Dam map at coordinates 28.66 12.55.Origin-12 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.Giovanni M4 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.KT-R = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.Herstal = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.AKA-47 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions.
Secondary Weapons (Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Recurve Bow Locations):
Shipunov K96 = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Dam map at coordinates 29.32 13.32. The entrance is down in the village, a little bit south-west of the point of interest. Vykop = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Village map at coordinates 28.09 15.32. ES-25 = Side Mission “Loose Ends V” (Act 4). Dragoon SVD = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Dam map at coordinates 26.23 11.97. Requires the drone’s hacking module which is unlocked automatically from a main mission in Act 2. Brezatelya = Collected at a Point of Interest in Open World – Mining Town map at coordinates 25.44 21.49. Ballance S-AR Metal = Side Mission “Opium Wars IV” (Dam).
Turret M96 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. ACC 50 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Rook SS-97 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. BMT 03 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Archer T-80 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Knight 110 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Stronskiy 98 = Automatic unlock from doing main missions. Primary Weapons (Sniper Rifle Locations):